firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

Last post 05-27-2007, 11:25 AM by Adam. 5 replies.
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  •  04-21-2006, 10:25 AM 18414

    firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

    I have a page with 4 Editor controls on it, one of which is displayed initially and the other 3 are hidden using a DIV with the style "display=none".  The Editor control that is initally visible works fine, the problem is with the hidden editor controls.

    When the link that hides these hidden controls is clicked, the css display value becomes block.  Everything works correctly and the Editor controls are displayed properly with the exception that when the Editor controls become visible, one cannot type into the text area initally.  The reason for this is because neither "Normal" nor "HTML" (Preview is disabled) are selected by default in the bottom bar when the controls become visible.  The workaround is easy, just select one of the 2 values and you can type in the text area, however, I wanted to know if there is a way to set either of these to be the default when the control becomes visble. 

    BTW, each Editor control is encapsulated within our own control and I was thinking of adding this change in it's constructor, if possible.  Here is what the constructor for the wrapper looks like:

            Editor _ed = new Editor();

            /// <summary>
            /// The constructor that configures the CuteEditor for the text box
            /// and adds it to the list of controls.
            /// </summary>
            public TextBoxEditor() : base()
                _ed.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Simple;
                _ed.ThemeType = CuteEditor.ThemeType.OfficeXP;
                _ed.ShowPreviewMode = false;
                _ed.ShowEnlargeButton = _ed.ShowDecreaseButton = false;

                //Default the width of the text editor to 100% unless overridden.
                _ed.Width = new Unit(100,UnitType.Percentage);


    FWIW, IE does not have the problem, only Firefox seems to.  Is it possible to set a default in the bottom bar?
  •  04-21-2006, 1:34 PM 18416 in reply to 18414

    Re: firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

    Quick question: Are you using the latest version 5.2?
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  •  04-21-2006, 2:05 PM 18418 in reply to 18416

    Re: firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

    Hey Adam

    When I right click on CuteEditor.dll, the File Version is reported as and the Description says CuteEditor 5.2 Build 2006-02-23, so I think I'm using the latest version.


  •  04-21-2006, 2:18 PM 18420 in reply to 18418

    Re: firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

    Can you download the control again and replace the DLL and client files?
    If the problem still exist, it will be helpful if you can create a very simple example and send it to me.
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  •  04-21-2006, 3:21 PM 18425 in reply to 18420

    Re: firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

    Hi Adam

    I've done as you suggested and made some minor progess.  After replacing the DLL and client files, the "Normal" setting is now selected by default in the hidden Editor controls.  However, I am still not able to type in the text area in Firefox by default once these controls become visible.  It seems that the Left Justify button also needs to be selected (which it is not) to enable typing in FF, however, this is not a requirement for IE (in that case, I can type in the text area without Left Justify being selected).  I will construct a simple example to demonstrate the issue for you.


  •  05-27-2007, 11:25 AM 30134 in reply to 18425

    Re: firefox issue when editor hidden by display=none becomes visible with display=block

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